The product hierarchy Structure is maintained in the structure PRODHS. In the standard system, the product hierarchy consists of up to 3 levels. The first and second levels have 5 digits and the third level has 8. The maximum number of digits is 18 and the maximum number of levels is 9.

You can define hierarchy nodes at the individual levels of the product hierarchy.
In the standard system, the product hierarchy consists of up to 3 levels. The first and second levels have 5 digits and the third level has 8. The maximum number of digits is 18 and the maximum number of levels is 9.
You can define hierarchy nodes at the individual levels of the product hierarchy.
If you want to change the standard setting of PRODHS, e.g. you want to change the number of levels, proceed as follows:
1. Create an appropriate domain in the Data Dictionary (type CHAR with the required length).
2. Assign these domains to the standard data elements PRODH1, PRODH2, ..., PRODH9.
Please note that you should use these standard data elements.
3. Change the structure PRODHS by creating or deleting fields with reference to the data elements.
Choose ZZPRODHN as field name, where n is the position of the field in the structure PRODHS.
Also for the maintaining the product hierarchies, most use the transaction OVSV
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